Pollution Crisis Sparks Protective Technology Boom, Leading to Demand in Air Pollution Masks, says Market.us

Aditya Deshmukh
Aditya Deshmukh

Updated · Dec 22, 2022


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A face mask is placed over the nose or mouth to prevent air pollution. Pollution is the introduction of organisms, biological molecules, or other harmful substances into the atmosphere of Earth. This can cause diseases, allergies, and even death in humans. To remove harmful pollutants from the body’s airways, masks for pollution are equipped with various filters.

According to Market.us’ research, “The global Air Pollution Masks Market is projected to be USD 3.87 Billion in 2021 to reach USD 6.01 Billion by 2028 at a CAGR of 6.3%.

air pollution masks market growth

An anti-pollution facial mask is placed over the nose, mouth, and eyes to reduce air pollution. Air pollution is caused by introduction of particulates and biological molecules into Earth’s atmosphere. This causes allergies, disease, death, and damage to other living organisms, such as animals, plants, and livestock. The increasing pollution is a common reason to use an antipollution shield.

The impact of air pollution on human health is a continuing global problem. The adverse effects of air pollution on human health can be severe and multiple. The combined effects of ambient and household pollution caused 7 million deaths. According to the WHO-2021 report, asthma is a widespread disease in children. Nearly 90% of COPD deaths among people under 70 years old are in low and middle-income countries. COPD is responsible for more than 3 million deaths each year worldwide, or 6% of all deaths.

Anurag Sharma, a senior research analyst at Market.us, said,” Global pollution levels are rising due to growing pollution. Air pollution has a major impact on cardiovascular and respiratory health. Masks are also used within the industrial area, mining, and human daily life. There are many types of masks on the market. Some of them can be used for anti-pollution or emergency purposes, while others can be used for sports and other purposes.”

People suffering from chronic respiratory conditions such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are more susceptible to the harmful effects of air pollution. Asthma or COPD can be caused by air pollution and raise respiratory morbidity rates and mortality. Air pollution has a wide range of health effects. The composition and source of pollutants can change according to the season and country. 

Burning solid fuels is a major source of air pollution in developing nations. As a result, there is a growing demand for air pollution masks to protect against deadly diseases. It can lead to heart and respiratory problems. Masks are common in the mining industry, industrial areas, and daily life of humans. Many masks are on offer, such as surgical, anti-pollution, and sports. The market for masks has seen rapid industrialization, which has led to an increase in air pollution. A key factor in the market’s growth is the increasing awareness of the harmful effects of air pollution.

Air pollution is a major problem in the modern world. This is causing an increase in industries like mining and vehicles, which is allowing for a growing market for masks. The Health Science Authority (HSA) has established guidelines for mask use. The anti-pollution market growth is driven by government regulations that allow masks to be worn in certain industrial sectors.

The most severe consequences of pollution are that it can cause respiratory and cardiovascular problems. In the mining industry, everyday life, and industrial sectors, masks are used extensively. Many types of masks are available, including anti-pollution, surgical, sports, and other masks.

Rapid industrialization has led to an increase in pollution, which has helped expand the market for masks. Greater awareness of the harmful effects of air pollution also drives market expansion. The mask industry is growing because of increased industrialization, mining, and car use. The Health Science Authority (HSA) has issued several guidelines for mask use.

Major players produce various air pollution masks based on the latest fashion trends to attract customers. The market is growing due to the increasing awareness of people about skincare and respiratory protection. Market growth is impeded by low-quality masks that do not prevent contamination from the air.

UNIQLO announced in June 2020 that the AIR pollution Mask would be available online at all UNIQLO shops in Japan. UNIQLO’s mission is to improve everyone’s lives through LifeWear. This unique technology combines performance and comfort with washable, year-round products.

Hanes launched non-medial, reusable, washable 3-ply all-cotton face masks in July 2020. The business also produces a range of all-cotton, nylon, and polyester blend face masks under the Champion and Hanes brands. These are available online as well as in retail outlets.

Aditya Deshmukh

Aditya Deshmukh

I am Aditya, I have more than 2 years of experience in Digital Marketing as well as in Industry Research I am workimg for core SEO team My core focus areas include: SEO, Web Analytics,Industry Research and find Industry build their brands through useful, well-designed marketing strategies. Digital marketing is my passion & I love what I do, I breathe it. I want to explore more, learn more, and try different tools.