Soil Water Potential Sensor Market to be worth USD 390.2 Mn by 2032

Tajammul Pangarkar
Tajammul Pangarkar

Updated · Apr 23, 2024

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The Soil Water Potential Sensor Market is expected to soar to USD 390.2 million by 2032, with an impressive CAGR of 11.4% from its 2023 valuation of USD 151.7 million. Soil water potential sensors are crucial tools in the management of irrigation and the monitoring of soil health. They measure the tension or potential energy of water within the soil, providing data essential for understanding the availability of moisture to plants. This information is used extensively in agriculture, environmental monitoring, and research.

The market is primarily driven by the increasing demand for high-value crops and precision irrigation, propelled by the necessity for water-efficient agriculture and government initiatives promoting sustainable farming practices. However, challenges such as the high initial cost of sensors and lack of awareness hinder widespread adoption.

The growth of the soil water potential sensor market is propelled by several factors. Technological advancements have led to the development of more accurate and user-friendly sensors, enhancing their appeal to the agricultural sector. Government policies that support smart agriculture and sustainable water use also play a crucial role, as they often include incentives that encourage the adoption of efficient irrigation technologies. Additionally, the increasing investments in agricultural research promote the use of these sensors to devise improved irrigation methods tailored to specific crops and varying environmental conditions.

Soil Water Potential Sensor Market

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Despite the promising growth prospects, the market for soil water potential sensors faces notable challenges. The high initial cost of advanced sensor systems can be a significant barrier, particularly for small to medium-sized farm operations, limiting broader market penetration. Moreover, there is a general lack of awareness about the benefits and operational aspects of soil moisture sensors in many developing regions, which hinders adoption. The technological complexity associated with integrating these sensors into existing agricultural infrastructures also presents a deterrent for potential users who may find the technology intimidating or incompatible with their current systems.

Key Takeaways

  • The global soil water potential sensor market is expected to grow from USD 136.2 million in 2022 to USD 390.2 million by 2032, representing a substantial increase at a CAGR of 11.4%.
  • Soil water potential sensors with an accuracy level of ±3% are crucial for agricultural and environmental purposes, ensuring genuine depiction of soil conditions.
  • Tensiometers dominate the global soil water potential sensor market, accounting for a significant revenue share of 43.2%.
  • Agriculture is the dominant segment in the soil water potential sensor market, covering a major revenue share of 51.7%.
  • North America region dominates the global Soil Water Potential Sensor market by holding a major revenue share of 35.2%. 

Emerging Trends

  • Precision Agriculture: The use of soil water potential sensors in precision agriculture is increasingly prominent, allowing for efficient water management and optimization of irrigation schedules based on accurate soil moisture data.
  • Technological Advancements: There is a continuous improvement in sensor technology, including the development of sensors with higher accuracy and reliability, which can perform under various soil conditions.
  • Wireless Connectivity: The shift towards wireless sensors is notable, driven by their ease of integration with Internet of Things (IoT) platforms, which facilitates remote monitoring and data analysis​ ​.
  • Environmental Monitoring: Beyond agriculture, these sensors are increasingly used in environmental monitoring to assess soil health and water conservation, helping to implement sustainable practices in diverse sectors like forestry and urban planning​ ​.
  • Global Expansion: There’s a growing focus on expanding the market into emerging regions where agriculture faces challenges due to water scarcity, highlighting the role of advanced sensors in combating agricultural vulnerabilities​​.

Top Use Cases

  • Irrigation Management: Soil water potential sensors are critical in managing irrigation systems, ensuring that crops receive the correct amount of water at optimal times to maximize growth and reduce water wastage​ ​.
  • Crop Health Monitoring: These sensors help in monitoring the health of the soil and, by extension, the crops themselves, aiding in decisions about when to water and how much water to use, thus preventing both under- and over-irrigation​​.
  • Research and Development: In R&D, these sensors are used to gather precise data on soil conditions under various environmental scenarios, which aids in the development of more efficient agricultural practices and technologies.
  • Climate Impact Analysis: They are used to assess the impact of extreme weather conditions on soil moisture levels, providing data that helps in adjusting farming practices to changing climatic conditions​.
  • Urban Planning: In urban areas, soil water potential sensors contribute to green infrastructure planning, helping to manage water runoff and maintain green spaces efficiently.

Major Challenges

  • High Initial Costs: Advanced soil water potential sensors come with high initial costs, which can deter investment from small-scale farmers and researchers due to budget constraints​.
  • Impact of Climate Change: Extreme weather conditions like droughts and floods, influenced by climate change, can limit the use of these sensors as they may become less operational or more necessary, impacting the economic feasibility for users​.
  • Technological Complexity: The complexity of the technology involved can pose a challenge for widespread adoption, particularly in regions with low technical expertise​​.
  • Maintenance and Operational Challenges: Wired sensors, while reliable, can have high maintenance costs and complexities related to installation and data management​​.
  • Market Penetration Difficulties: Expanding market reach in less developed regions can be challenging due to lack of infrastructure and awareness about the benefits of such advanced sensing technologies​​.

Recent Developments

  • The Toro Company made a notable advancement in May 2022 with the launch of a state-of-the-art robotic mower for home lawn maintenance, showcasing their ongoing innovation in technology related to moisture control and landscaping​​.

Key Player Analysis

  • Sentek: Sentek is a leading provider of systems for measuring soil moisture, salinity, and temperature for environmental and precision farming applications.
  • Irrometer Company: Irrometer Company specializes in manufacturing soil moisture measurement instruments, including soil water potential sensors, to assist in irrigation management.
  • AquaCheck: AquaCheck offers soil moisture monitoring solutions tailored for agricultural and environmental applications, contributing to water conservation efforts.
  • Delta-T Devices: Delta-T Devices focuses on designing and manufacturing soil sensors and data loggers for environmental research and precision agriculture.
  • The Toro Company: The Toro Company serves the agricultural, landscaping, and sports turf industries by providing soil moisture sensors, irrigation systems, and turf maintenance tools.
  • Acclima: Acclima specializes in developing soil moisture sensors and related technologies for precision irrigation and water management.
  • Decagon Devices: Decagon Devices is well-known for its soil moisture sensors, data recorders, and environmental measuring equipment, catering to agricultural and research needs.
  • Spectrum Technologies: Spectrum Technologies offers a range of agricultural monitoring solutions, including soil moisture sensors, weather stations, and handheld meters.
  • Stevens Water Monitoring Systems: Stevens Water Monitoring Systems provides a variety of environmental monitoring solutions, including soil moisture sensors, weather stations, and water level sensors.


The soil water potential sensor market is poised for growth, driven by the increasing need for efficient agricultural practices and water conservation. While challenges like high initial costs and the impacts of climate change pose obstacles, the opportunities for expansion in precision agriculture and through government sustainability initiatives indicate a promising future. As technologies advance, lowering costs and improving accessibility, the market is likely to see a broader adoption across diverse regions and applications, enhancing global agricultural productivity and resource management. This growth is supported by the technological evolution and increasing environmental awareness, which are crucial for the future expansion of the soil water potential sensor market.

Tajammul Pangarkar

Tajammul Pangarkar

Tajammul Pangarkar is a CMO at Prudour Pvt Ltd. Tajammul longstanding experience in the fields of mobile technology and industry research is often reflected in his insightful body of work. His interest lies in understanding tech trends, dissecting mobile applications, and raising general awareness of technical know-how. He frequently contributes to numerous industry-specific magazines and forums. When he’s not ruminating about various happenings in the tech world, he can usually be found indulging in his next favorite interest - table tennis.