Rising Prevalence of Gout and Associated Comorbidities Drives Gout Therapeutics Market Growth, says Market.us

Nikhil Randhe
Nikhil Randhe

Updated · Feb 28, 2023


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Gout therapeutics are medications and treatments used to manage the symptoms and underlying causes of gout, which is a form of arthritis caused by the buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints. The gout therapeutics market has experienced growth over the past few years, driven by factors such as the rising prevalence of gout, increasing awareness and diagnosis rates, and the introduction of new treatment options.

According to research by Market. us, “The Global gout therapeutics market was valued at USD 3.3 Billion in 2022 and is expected to reach USD 12.5 Billion at a CAGR of 14.2% during the forecast period.” 

Gout Therapeutics Market Growth

Market drivers include the rising acceptance of biologics, enhanced R&D in regeneration therapies, technological developments in imaging modalities, and greater knowledge.

Anurag Sharma, a senior research analyst at Market.us, said, “Gout therapy is driven mainly by an increasing number of people suffering from this condition, as well as changing lifestyles and a growing geriatric population. Globally, people are living longer, leading to an increase in the number of geriatrics. This has resulted in a rise in the incidence of this condition as well as a greater demand for therapeutics. It positively impacts their industry.”

North America was the largest gout therapeutics market in 2023. It is expected to continue to hold a significant share over the forecast period. Gout is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis in the United States. Gout therapy market opportunities exist in the region due to the widespread use of oral urate-lowering treatments for large populations with gout. 

The Asia Pacific gout therapeutics industry is expected to grow at a rapid rate during the forecast period. The gout therapy market is growing in Asia Pacific due to a steady rise in gout incidence and prevalence.

One of the key restraining factors for the gout therapeutics market is the high cost of treatment, which can be a barrier to access for many patients, particularly in lower-income regions. Additionally, the availability and affordability of generic drugs may limit the growth of the market for branded gout medications.

Another factor that could restrain the market is the potential side effects and safety concerns associated with some gout therapeutics, which may limit their use and lead to decreased patient adherence. In particular, long-term use of some gout medications may be associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events, which could impact patient outcomes and confidence in these treatments.

Finally, the COVID-19 pandemic has also had an impact on the gout therapeutics market, with disruptions in supply chains and clinical trials potentially affecting the development and availability of new therapies. However, overall, the gout therapeutics market is expected to continue to grow, despite these challenges, due to the increasing prevalence of gout and the need for effective treatments to manage this condition.

In 2023, the largest share of the gout therapeutics market was held by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Strong demand for NSAIDs like naproxen and indomethacin for acute gout attacks drives growth. High doses of fast-acting NSAIDs, which provide the fastest symptom relief, are a strong driver for growth.

Attractive revenue is generated by the widespread clinical use of urate-lowering drugs as a first-line therapy or in combination therapy to treat symptomatic gout arthritis. Demand is higher for urate-lowering drugs than biologics in the treatment of people with acute and chronic gout disease. This segment is expected to gain a significant share over the forecast period. The segment’s growth is due to the growing incidence of severe to moderate gout arthritis in an aging population that requires hospital pharmacy. 

Online pharmacies are expected to experience rapid growth in the gout therapeutics industry during the forecast period. The online pharmacy segment is expected to grow due to the increasing number of pharmacies online and the approval of many gout therapeutic drugs that can be purchased over the counter for medical treatment.

Nikhil Randhe

Nikhil Randhe

I am Nikhil, working as a Digital Marketing Associate at Prudour Pvt Ltd. I did a Master's in Digital Marketing and worked in a Core SEO team. I an passionate about Digital Marketing with skills such as Search Engine Optimisation, Search Engine Marketing, Google Analytics, etc.